My Brother Had An UP Themed Wedding And It Was #WEDDINGGOALS

This past week was one of my favorite weeks ever because … MY BIG BROTHER GOT MARRIED! We are still waiting on the professional photos from the photographer, but I want to write this and share some photos and stories.

I flew to New Jersey on Wednesday and was immediately thrown in to the planning of the rehearsal dinner for the following day. My mom and I spent the entire day running around buying decorations, preparing some side dishes and picking up last minute things for the wedding. As I was driving around I couldn’t stop saying in my head, “Up, up and away. Two days till the big day,” so we decided to theme the rehearsal dinner around that. We wanted the rehearsal dinner to serve as the perfect tease for the wedding day.

The party consisted of close family and friends, delicious BBQ food and lots of balloons. If I can offer up one lesson from this, it is that rehearsal dinners do not need to be extravagant and cost a ton of money. We had over 50 guests attend the rehearsal dinner and we were able to stick with our $500 budget. It was low-key and the perfect way to spend time with everyone before the big day.


Now for the moment we have all been waiting for, the wedding day! The day started off with my best friend coming over to do my hair and make up. I knew I wanted something natural so I went with a classic curled style with two braids coming together in the back. Once I was ready I headed over to Bridgette’s house to watch her get ready. It was so much fun watching her get excited throughout the day. She couldn’t stop saying, “Nicole, I am marrying your brother today.”


After a morning filled with laughter, mimosas and Chick-Fil-A nuggets it was finally time to leave. The limo picked us up and we were off and ready to kick off their greatest adventure. Bridgette was radiating with excitement and looked so incredibly beautiful (and SO cool in her custom painted UP Vans).



We reached the venue and it was so stunning. I was without my phone most of the day but I was able to capture some of my favorite UP themed details. (When we receive the professional photos I will upload more). The day seemed like a giant blur of a dream. There was a whole lot of crying, laughter, dancing and food.


The wedding was what I like to call #WEDDINGGOALS and a day I will remember for the rest of my life. A perfect wedding isn’t complete without an epic honeymoon. Jimmy and Bridgette are currently kicking off their lifelong adventure together at Disney’s Aulani Resort, talk about #HONEYMOONGOALS.
